Veröffentlicht in: Architekten in Costa Rica | Verfasst am: |
As a Civil Building Engineer, with 38 years serving in design and building of civil projects, I provide my professional consultancy for developing those kinds of projects, such as homes, condominiums, restaurants, offices, malls, buildings, and other similar works. I also perform appraisals to determine the market value for real estates.
I am at your order to discuss about a possible professional relationship regarding the service that meets your expectations as a customer.
Rodrigo González Vargas
Ingeniero en Construcción
Miembro activo CFIA desde 1985
Asesoría inmobiliaria
Heredia, Costa Rica
Celular: (506) 8323-2287 (whatsapp)
Oficina: (506) 2102-6854
skype: rodrigo_costa_rica
Rodrigo Gonzalez
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