Swimming Teacher

Предузеће: Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership
Тип посла: Other
11 - 16 GBP/Часовни

We are recruiting Level 1 & 2 Swimming Teachers for our busy Swim School. Monday to Thursday evenings at Quantock Lodge. Rate of pay: Level 1 qualified £11.50 p/h and Level 2 qualified £16.25 p/h.

Location, Quantock Lodge, Over Stowey, Bridgwater, TA5 1HE

Not qualified? We understand that cost can be a barrier to obtaining qualifications so if you are interested in becoming a SASP Swim Teacher we will cover half the cost of the course. We will also pay for the other half up front but this will be clawed back gradually once you start delivering. For more information on these opportunities and whether you are eligible please contact Amy Smith ( ).

To apply: Please email or call .

Data Protection

The information supplied on application forms and CV's is being collected as part of Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership recruitment and selection procedures and policies.

When you complete the form or send a CV, you are preparing to enter into an employment contract with Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership. If you are successful with your application the information will also be used for the determination and payment of salary, contact referees and to produce the particulars of a contract. The information you provide will also be disclosed to relevant statutory bodies where Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership have a legal obligation to do so.

The application forms and CV's of unsuccessful candidates will be retained for six months, after which time they will be destroyed.


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